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Guided Visualization

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Guided Visualization Techniques: 1. Unlocking Your Potential: A Journey through Time This practice shows your past self the compassion you deserve and begins the process of changing your mindset about the past and your view of the future. Let’s begin. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on your breathing for at least 5 breaths, feeling your body relax and calm. Now, imagine yourself as a child. Remember a difficult time from your childhood that you would want to help that child make it through. Offer yourself kindness and support, reminding yourself that you are strong and capable. Encourage your younger self to keep going, assuring them that they will get through this challenging time. Embrace yourself with a warm hug, telling yourself that everything is going to be okay. Hold this embrace for a moment, feeling the comfort and reassurance. Next, take another 5 breaths and envision your ideal self 5 years from now. Imagine the person you want to become, the life you want to lead. Picture yourself with confidence and clarity. Notice the details of this ideal scene: • How do you look? • What are you wearing? • What is your posture like? • How does your body feel? Imagine your ideal career, your dream home, and the fulfilling relationships you've cultivated. Allow yourself to dream big, beyond what you believe is possible. Reach out and grab the hand of your future self, saying with conviction, 'I'm coming.' And hear your future self respond with encouragement, 'I know.' Take a moment to fully immerse in this vision, feeling the excitement and anticipation of the incredible life ahead. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes, carrying the inspiration and motivation from this visualization with you. 2. Envisioning Your Future: Making Life-Changing Decisions This guided visualization incorporates the idea of projecting oneself into the future and exploring the potential outcomes of major life decisions. It encourages you to envision a positive future, fostering a sense of hope and motivation. By visualizing a fulfilling outcome, individuals can gain clarity and confidence in their choices, leading to a more empowered and purposeful life. Remember, the power of visualization lies in its ability to transform your mindset and manifest a brighter future. By harnessing this technique, you can break free from stress and anxiety, cultivate self-confidence, and unlock your full potential. Let’s begin. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow yourself to relax and focus. Imagine yourself standing at a crossroads, facing a major life decision. See yourself taking a step forward, and visualize the path unfolding before you. Picture yourself 5, 10, and 20 years from now, having made this choice. What does your life look like at each of these stages? How do you feel? If considering having another baby, imagine that child as an adult, a potential source of support and connection in your later years. Envision the relationship you'll have, the memories you'll create, and the love you'll share. If contemplating a new job or career path, see yourself thriving and growing, making a meaningful impact, and finding fulfillment. Visualize the sense of purpose and satisfaction that comes with pursuing your passions. As you continue on this visualized journey, notice how your thoughts and emotions shift. Feel the weight of uncertainty lifting, replaced by clarity and confidence. Take one final, deep breath in, and when you're ready, slowly open your eyes. Carry the insights and inspiration from this visualization with you, and trust that you're making choices that will lead you toward a radiant future. 3. Healing Core Wounds: Rewire Your Mind This guided visualization builds on our group discussion of Attachment Styles. Now, we'll explore the core wounds that stem from those styles, which can have a lasting impact on our lives. According to Thias Gibson, her meditation method can help rewire your mind in just 21 days, allowing you to heal from these childhood wounds. I've editied and personalized them for better clarity. Core wounds arise when our fundamental needs as children go unmet, leading to negative beliefs about ourselves. Examples include feeling inadequate, believing love will lead to abandonment, trust issues, feeling trapped, and thinking of yourself as defective. To identify your core wound, ask yourself what self-critical thoughts arise when you feel triggered. Let's begin the visualization. Close your eyes and gently focus on a core wound that has been troubling you. Visualize the opposite of that wound (for more examples check out the section on Overcoming Limitations under the Tool-Kit tab): • Turn feeling inadequate into feelings of adequacy • Believe love will lead to feeling connected • Turn betrayal into deep trust • Turn feeling defective into feeling whole Explore different areas of your life: • Career: Recall a moment when you felt capable and confident • Friendships: Remember a time when you felt supported and connected • Family: Reflect on moments where you experienced love and care • Romantic relationships: Identify characteristics that contradict your core wound, such as feeling worthy and deserving of love • Relationship with yourself: Envision the opposite of your core wound, embracing self-love and self-worth As you revisit each of these memories, allow positive emotions to wash over you, reprogramming your mind with empowering beliefs. Before opening your eyes, carry the feelings of liberation and self-love with you. Take a deep breath in, and when you're ready, slowly open your eyes, ready to embrace a brighter future. Remember, this exercise can be repeated daily for 21 days to reinforce new thought patterns and let go of old wounds.

© 2024 by Danielle Pohl,

I DONT HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! Founder and Group Facilitator

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