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Clarifying Your Values, Interests, and Skills to Identify Suitable Career & Life Paths:

Align your work with what truly matters to you. When you understand your values, you can find a career that aligns with your personal beliefs and motivations. By knowing your interests, you can pursue a career that brings you joy and fulfillment. And by identifying your skills, you can leverage your strengths to excel in your chosen field. By taking the time to clarify these key aspects of yourself, you can find a career that is meaningful, engaging, and fulfilling, setting yourself up for long-term success and happiness. Clarifying your values, interests, and skills will also help with other aspects of your life including: Personal growth and development Setting meaningful goals Building healthy relationships Making informed life decisions Identifying hobbies and activities outside of work Creating a sense of purpose and direction Improving time management and prioritization Enhancing overall well-being and satisfaction with life By understanding what drives, motivates, and fulfills you, you can make intentional choices in various areas of your life, leading to greater harmony, balance, and happiness. Values: 1. What is most important to you in life? 2. What do you stand for? 3. What do you believe in? 4. What qualities do you admire in others? 5. What motivates you and drives your decisions? 6. What do you consider to be your non-negotiables? 7. What values do you want to pass on to future generations? 8. What values do you associate with happiness and fulfillment? 9. What values do you prioritize in your relationships? 10. What values do you want to be remembered for? Skills: 11. What activities do you enjoy and excel at? 12. What tasks have you consistently received praise or recognition for? 13. What skills have you developed through education, training, or experience? 14. What problems do you enjoy solving or tackling? 15. What are your natural talents or abilities? 16. What skills have you honed through repetition or practice? 17. What skills do you use in your current job or roles? 18. What skills have you developed through volunteering or extracurricular activities? 19. What skills do you enjoy teaching or sharing with others? 20. What skills do you feel most confident using? Interests 21. What activities do you enjoy doing in your free time? 22. What topics do you find yourself reading about or exploring online? 23. What hobbies have you had in the past, and which ones did you enjoy the most? 24. What activities make you feel most engaged and absorbed? 25. What types of places or environments do you find most appealing? 26. What types of people or communities do you enjoy spending time with? 27. What activities make you feel like you're making a positive impact? 28. What subjects or topics do you wish you knew more about? 29. What activities or experiences have you always wanted to try but haven't yet? 30. What activities or experiences bring you a sense of joy or excitement? Additional Questions: 31. What activities make you feel most creative? 32. What types of challenges do you enjoy tackling? 33. What topics do you find yourself daydreaming about? 34. What activities do you find most relaxing? 35. What types of events or experiences do you enjoy attending? 36. What activities make you feel most connected to others? 37. What activities do you find most stimulating or thought-provoking? 38. What types of problems do you enjoy solving? 39. What activities make you feel most accomplished? 40. What activities do you wish you could do every day?

© 2024 by Danielle Pohl,

I DONT HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! Founder and Group Facilitator

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