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About Us

First of all, thank you so much for visiting our page! Now, thank yourself for taking the first step into a happier more purposeful life. You are an amazing person and deserve to be recognized for all of the awesome things you do every day. No one is perfect, but we all have the ability to be the best possible versions of ourselves. ​This mom-to-mom support group gives us an opportunity to start or continue our journeys of growing, exploring and achieving our goals. If you are unhappy, unfulfilled, or even just bored it means you are not giving yourself permission to live your dreams. Let's share our accomplishments, failures, career and life advice, and mom-hacks, so we can learn and grow through this amazing community. Maybe you've got it all together. Kudos, by the way, but that's why we need you! Share your tips and tricks of the trade, explore new challenges for the future, and make new friends. There are no limits to what we are capable of accomplishing! Our goal is to provide encouragement, and empowerment to help moms navigate the challenges of life and motherhood. Our sessions will explore purpose, passion, and hopes for the future. We will meet other moms who share similar experiences and stories and become a community of support and guidance. We offer a safe space for open discussions, free from judgment and gossip. Let's uplift and support each other on our journey through life and motherhood! ​At I DONT HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! we believe that everyone deserves the chance to be a part of this community which is why our services are completely free and will remain that way. We do not sell ANY products or services. We do, however, understand that your time is valuable, so we aim to create the best, supportive group experience possible. Moms are encouraged to reach out with any questions or concerns. Guilt-free Invite. There is no RSVP required at this time. We encourage you to come to all sessions, but we all know how hectic life can be. Just come when you can and don't when you can't. ​I DON'T HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! has NO political or religious affiliations. This group is available to all women regardless of age, race, religion or economic status. For more information on Guidelines and Disclaimers please refer to the About section. My name is Danielle Pohl. As the founder and group facilitator of I DON'T HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself, and how the idea for this group came to be. A few weeks ago, my family attended a birthday party for one of my daughter's VPK classmates. There were several parents there and I headed over to chat with a group of moms. I am generally apprehensive about joining in conversation with a group of people, but this felt different. I know several of the women would agree that we felt an immediate level of comfort. Afterall, we all have children the same age who attend the same school, so it was easy to come up with initial topics of conversation. As the party continued, I noticed we all started getting more personal and had a lot more in common than just our children. It felt good to connect with these women. A day or two later I had a thought about how old I would be this year. That spiraled into a panic of what I had accomplished thus far in my life. Not only that, but the lack of goals I had set for myself now. I knew I wanted to do something, but what? After a few hours of tears, regret and self-pitying thoughts I finally opened up to my husband about what I was feeling, and that feeling was failure; failure at life. He listened and did the best he could to remind me of all the wonderful things in my life, but in that moment, I was convinced based on the past that I would never accomplish anything of worth and went to bed certain I would always be a loser. When I woke up the next day I thought about the women from the birthday party. I wondered if they had any advice, but I wasn't about to spill my guts to people I was just getting to know. Then I wondered if there was a place where women could get together in a setting specialized for this type of thing. Then it hit me, my big, "Aha moment." I could do this! I could find a space, create a plan, invite a small group of mothers, and facilitate a safe and judgment free meeting based on peer-to-peer support. I knew I and the other mothers could learn new ways to approach the challenges that come with motherhood, as well as address our needs as individuals. As group facilitator, I decided I would create a safe space for open dialogue, ensuring all voices could be heard, and using my conflict resolution skills I could resolve any conflicts within the group. I planned to create an agenda beforehand, explain the content, and help members share and connect their experiences, as well as establish guidelines to ensure everyone was clear on my purpose. I discussed my idea with one of the moms while dropping my daughter off at school. She was on board! Her enthusiasm made me sure that I could do this. That also led me to the realization that as group facilitator I would need to show these women that I truly believed in them because it's absolutely true. While I don't always see my own potential it is easy for me to spot it in others. Sometimes all we need is someone to recognize the greatness in us and help it grow with continuous encouragement, validation and support. My end-goal is to help you and myself, see and do these things for ourselves! We can either be our worst critic or our biggest inspiration. I want everyone to look in the mirror, and instead of seeing all the things we want to change, see all of the things we've had to endure to get ourselves this far. We are the only ones who know all of the shit we've had to face and how it felt to go through it. We woke up this morning and it's important that we celebrate ourselves for that. If you can't see anything positive when you look in the mirror, let me and this community of other moms help you change that for good! ​I've always had a genuine desire to help people. With a supportive, patient, and empathetic heart, I will maintain a positive emotional culture while I encourage you to believe in yourself, share personal stories and help you to set and take steps to achieve your goals. My goal is to eventually open the group to all moms to help as many people as possible! You attending this group helps me just as much as I know it will help you! I am so grateful for you and I'm super excited to be on this new path with you! This group is by invitation only for a limited time. Please reach out if you're interested in joining!

© 2024 by Danielle Pohl,

I DONT HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! Founder and Group Facilitator

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