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The Emotional Intelligence Awareness Assessment

Self-Awareness 1. Can you recognize and name your emotions in the moment? (Yes/No) 2. Do you understand your strengths and weaknesses? (Yes/No) 3. Are you aware of your emotional triggers and patterns? (Yes/No) Emotional Regulation 1. Can you manage your stress and negative emotions effectively? (Yes/No) 2. Do you have coping strategies for dealing with difficult emotions? (Yes/No) 3. Can you calm yourself down when feeling upset or angry? (Yes/No) Motivation 1. Do you have a clear sense of purpose and direction? (Yes/No) 2. Are you driven to achieve your goals? (Yes/No) 3. Do you find meaning and fulfillment in your life? (Yes/No) Empathy 1. Can you understand and appreciate others' perspectives? (Yes/No) 2. Do you actively listen to others and show empathy? (Yes/No) 3. Can you put yourself in others' shoes and understand their feelings? (Yes/No) Effective Communication 1. Can you express yourself clearly and assertively? (Yes/No) 2. Do you use nonverbal communication effectively? (Yes/No) 3. Can you listen actively and ask open-ended questions? (Yes/No) Social Skills 1. Do you build strong relationships and connections with others? (Yes/No) 2. Can you navigate conflicts and difficult situations effectively? (Yes/No) 3. Can you resolve conflicts and negotiate effectively? (Yes/No) Self-Reflection and Feedback 1. Do you regularly reflect on your emotions, actions, and behaviors? (Yes/No) 2. Do you seek feedback from others and are open to constructive criticism? (Yes/No) 3. Can you use self-reflection and feedback to adjust and improve? (Yes/No) Scoring: - For each "No" answer, consider seeking help and development in that area. - For each "Yes" answer, consider building on your strengths and continuing to develop your emotional intelligence. Note: This questionnaire is not a scientifically validated assessment, but rather a tool to help individuals identify areas for personal growth and development.

© 2024 by Danielle Pohl,

I DONT HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! Founder and Group Facilitator

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