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Empowerment Through Self-Ownership: Taking Responsibility for Your Thoughts, Feelings & Actions

Do you often blame external circumstances or others for your emotions and thoughts?

I certainly have. In the past, if someone asked me this question, I would become defensive - a surefire sign that I was about to shift the blame onto my life situation and the people around me. 

As a recovering alcoholic and marijuana addict, I used to blame everyone and everything else for my substance abuse. I'd point to financial struggles, mental health issues, or conflicts with others. But the truth is, I was the one responsible for my downward spiral. I'd hit rock bottom - suicidal thoughts and all - before seeking help from behavioral health programs (which I highly recommend to anyone navigating sobriety).

Each time I got sober; regrets piled up. I realized how I'd treated others like enemies - the very people who stood by me despite my overreactions, defiance, lies, defensiveness, and hurtful behavior. 

I can't express enough how sorry I am to those I've hurt. I'm not perfect now, and I don't think I ever will be. A part of me is broken, and I've had to come to terms with that. But acknowledging this isn't enough; I had to make amends with those closest to me, who were affected by my choices. Taking responsibility for my actions, reactions, and feelings is an ongoing process. Whether I'm drinking or not, smoking pot or not, the choices I make are mine. It's up to me to repair the broken feelings within myself. Even if others have wronged me, it doesn't give me the right to expect them to fix me. Healing begins with me.

Since learning to take responsibility for my thoughts, feelings and actions, I've become less reactive and angry. I've been able to clearly express myself and build better relationships with those around me. I feel better inside which makes me act better on the outside.

It's time to recognize the power of self-ownership and take control of your inner world. Let's explore together why it's crucial to own your thoughts and feelings and provide practical ways to do so.

Why Self-Ownership Matters:

1. Accountability: By acknowledging that your thoughts and emotions are yours to own, you become accountable for your experiences.

2. Personal growth: Self-awareness and responsibility pave the way for meaningful growth and self-improvement.

3. Resilience: When you own your emotions, you can better manage stress and adversity.

4. Authenticity: Self-ownership allows you to embrace your true self, without pretenses or external influences.

Ways to Take Ownership:

1. Self-reflection: Regularly examine your thoughts, emotions, and reactions.

2. Identify triggers: Recognize what sparks certain emotions or thoughts.

3. Challenge negative self-talk: Replace harmful inner dialogue with constructive self-compassion.

4. Practice mindfulness: Stay present and aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment.

5. Set boundaries: Learn to say "no" and prioritize your needs and desires.

6. Embrace emotions: Acknowledge and validate your feelings, rather than suppressing or blaming others.

7. Forgive yourself: Let go of self-criticism and cultivate self-acceptance.

Taking ownership of your thoughts and feelings is a transformative journey that requires courage and commitment. By embracing self-responsibility, you'll unlock personal growth, resilience, and authenticity. Start your journey today and discover the empowerment that comes with self-ownership.

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I DONT HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! Founder and Group Facilitator

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