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Love Frequency: The Power of Self-Love and Destiny

Updated: Apr 15

As we journey through life, we often find ourselves seeking validation, approval, and acceptance from others. But the truth is, we are already whole. We don't need anyone else's validation to be worthy. Self-love is the key to unlocking our true potential and living a life of purpose and fulfillment.

When we love ourselves, we feel good about ourselves. We begin to focus on our own growth and improvement, and the people who once ran from us start to come back around. But it's important to remember that our attention is our most valuable asset, and we shouldn't waste it on those who don't see our worth.

Let's remind ourselves of these simple, but profound truths everyday - say it with me - I am the value. I am the worth. I am the gift. I am special.

We often fail because we're trying to fit into someone else's mold. But failure is an opportunity to discover what we truly want and deserve. It's a chance to evolve and grow, to enter the next phase of our journey.

The love flow is all about opening our hearts and remembering our true essence. When we connect with our inner selves, we can be filled by the source and live a life of love and abundance.

In our search for love, we must know what we want in a partner. We deserve someone who is worthy of our value and will provide us with an enriching experience of love. But desperation repels what we want. We must have faith and be what we want to attract.

Let's align our core values and resonate with the energy of love. Let's be happy for those who are happy in their relationships, wealthy, successful, and fulfilled. Let's wish them well and send love their way.

Let's watch love movies, inspiring movies, and listen to loving and uplifting music. Let's send love to those who have hurt us through powerful thoughts, knowing that we are all connected in constant telepathic communication. Let's create healthy thoughts about them and speak sweet, loving words about them to ourselves.

By doing so, we'll raise our frequency and attract the love and life we desire. We'll be filled with love and positivity, and our hearts will be open to receive the blessings that are meant for us.

Remember, love is the answer. Let's choose love, and let it guide us on our journey to destiny.

Call to Action:

Take a moment to reflect on your own journey and identify areas where you may be seeking validation from others. Write down affirmations that resonate with you and make a commitment to focus on your own growth and self-love.

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I DONT HAVE FING TIME FOR THIS! Founder and Group Facilitator

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